

adjective ter·mi·nal \ˈtərm-nəl, ˈtər-mə-nəl\

: causing death eventually : leading finally to death

: having an illness that cannot be cured and that will soon lead to death

: of or relating to patients who have a terminal illness

Full Definition of TERMINAL

a :  of or relating to an end, extremity, boundary, or terminus <a terminal pillar>
b :  growing at the end of a branch or stem <a terminal bud>
a :  of, relating to, or occurring in a term or each term <terminal payments>
b (1) :  leading ultimately to death :  fatal <terminal cancer>
(2) :  approaching or close to death :  being in the final stages of a fatal disease <a terminal patient> (3) :  of or relating to patients with a terminal illness <terminal care>
c :  extremely or hopelessly severe <terminal boredom>
a :  occurring at or constituting the end of a period or series :  concluding <the terminal moments of life>
b :  not intended as preparation for further academic work <a terminal curriculum>
ter·mi·nal·ly adverb

Origin of TERMINAL

Latin terminalis, from terminus
First Known Use: 1744

Synonym Discussion of TERMINAL

last, final, terminal, ultimate mean following all others (as in time, order, or importance). last applies to something that comes at the end of a series but does not always imply that the series is completed or stopped <last page of a book> <last news we had of him>. final applies to that which definitely closes a series, process, or progress <final day of school>. terminal may indicate a limit of extension, growth, or development <terminal phase of a disease>. ultimate implies the last degree or stage of a long process beyond which further progress or change is impossible <the ultimate collapse of the system>.

Rhymes with TERMINAL



: a building where buses or trains regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off

: a building at an airport where people get on and off airplanes

: a computer or a combination of a keyboard and a video display that is connected to a system and used for entering or receiving data

Full Definition of TERMINAL

:  a part that forms the end :  extremity, termination
:  a terminating usually ornamental detail :  finial
:  a device attached to the end of a wire or cable or to an electrical apparatus for convenience in making connections
a :  either end of a carrier line having facilities for the handling of freight and passengers
b :  a freight or passenger station that is central to a considerable area or serves as a junction at any point with other lines
c :  a town or city at the end of a carrier line :  terminus
:  a combination of a keyboard and output device (as a video display unit) by which data can be entered into or output from a computer or electronic communications system

First Known Use of TERMINAL


Other Architecture Terms

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TERMINAL[1] Defined for Kids


adjective ter·mi·nal \ˈtər-mə-nəl\

Definition of TERMINAL for Kids

:  relating to or forming an end <branches with terminal buds>



Definition of TERMINAL for Kids

:  either end of a transportation line or a passenger or freight station located at it <the bus terminal>
:  a device (as in a computer system) used to put in, receive, and display information <He typed his request into the terminal.>
:  a device at the end of a wire or on a machine for making an electrical connection


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